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4 Sure-Fire Ways to Generate Leads with Social Media

If you’re like most business owners, we’re all looking for ways to generate more quality leads. In fact, 65% of all businesses say their biggest marketing challenge is generating traffic and leads. And on top of that, I’ve seen a recent stat that says about 96% of the visitors to your website aren’t ready to buy (yet). So how do you get leads from online? Well, in this article I’m going to go over 4 sure-fire ways to generate leads with social media.

  1. Promote gated lead magnet content. What is gated lead magnet content? It’s simply content that requires someone to give their contact info (such as email or phone number) before they can get access to the content. An example is a free report on industry trends, where in order to get the report you have to fill out your email address. These types of lead magnets work exceptionally well by either promoting it by itself, or you can double it with content your already sharing on social media. If you need help building out these web pages, contact our Tampa web design company.
  2. Run a contest. Contests work! And they’re extremely easy to set up on social media. You can simply run a photo contest and ask people to reply to your post with their email and a photo of themselves using your product or service to win 50% off or something similar. Then you can collect up all the entry’s emails and reach out to about your purchasing your service or product because you know they’re already interested.
  3. Use social media ads. When done right this can produce a ton of leads. Using services like Facebook’s ad platform you can target your ideal client or customer and collect a bunch of leads. In fact, we routinely generated +100 leads a month for our clients.
  4. Use social selling. If you’re sure what this is, social selling is using social media to search for and find your ideal clients, get some information about them, and then reach out and start nurturing them to eventually make a purchase from you. This is highly effective. For example, let’s say you’re a real estate agent. You could search Twitter for people who recently posted they are moving to your city. Then reach out to them and start a conversation. Eventually, let them know you can help them with their move to your city by helping to find a house. You can do the same on LinkedIn, where you can search for people who recently switched jobs. Reach out to them to see if they are moving to a new location, and if they need help finding a house.

Want to get more leads?… Get a free evaluation to see which of the points is best for your company.

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