Are you're looking to replace <br> break with a space using only CSS? I've got a solution for you then. To do this we'll use CSS to change the content of the br tag which will prevent it from making a line...
Web Development Blog
10 Tips to Get Your Website Ready for the New year
by Gallagher Website Design | Dec 27, 2017 | Website Design
When most of us think of the new year, the first thing we think of is not... "how do I get my website ready for the new year." Unless your a website developer, you're probably thinking about how many sales you're...
Woocommerce Shortcode to Display All Products
by Gallagher Website Design | Oct 28, 2015 | Web Development
Here is how to get a Woocommerce shortcode to show all products on a page. I've searched and searched, and it appears Woocommerce doesn't have an official way to do this. But no worries, I'm going to tell you exactly...
5 Things Your Website Needs To Get The Most Out of It
by Gallagher Website Design | Aug 6, 2014 | Website Design
Most of the time you might think of our company website as simply an informational "brochure", but the fact is is that your website is there 247, and is much more than informational, it's an incredible marketing...
Make Dropit jQuery Dropdowns Close on MouseOut
by Gallagher Website Design | Jan 30, 2014 | Web Development
I've recently stumbled upon Dropit dropdowns plugin for jQuery. It's a great, simple dropdown script that you can quickly implement. But I've found it was missing one thing. How to make Dropit jQuery dropdowns close...
jQuery Input Type Selectors for HTML5
by Gallagher Website Design | Nov 11, 2012 | Web Development
As many of you have noticed, jQuery doesn't allow you to select HTML 5 input elements with the standard colon selection type, like this :date So what you can do is use brackets to define the input type you want...
IE7 & IE6 url(data: Produces Nonsecure Items Warning
by Gallagher Website Design | Jul 5, 2012 | Web Development
IE6 and IE7 don't play nice with the use of url(data: in css stylesheets. It took me quite a while to narrow down on what was causing the "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items" message in IE7. Both...
Check for Cookies Enabled
by Gallagher Website Design | Sep 11, 2011 | Web Development
I recently needed to check and see if cookies were enabled for a script that I was writing for authenticating a user login. I quickly realized all the problems with this I had forgot as I don't normally set cookies...
Netflix Instant Play Bugs – Buffer Rate Issues & More
by Gallagher Website Design | Jun 27, 2011 | Web Development
Being a web developer I'm well aware that sites developed need to be checked over with a fine-tooth-comb for bug and potential issues. In fact there are even many times when you can check for bugs and even check the...
[FIXED] ib is null – ibrowser Plugin for TinyMCE
by Gallagher Website Design | Jan 21, 2011 | Web Development
I, like you, have run into the problem of ibrowser not working for Firefox (FF3). This is a pain as it seems like a great free image uploaded/manager for TinyMCE. The problem I kept running it is that after...
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